Who wants a simpler life? If you find yourself with your hand raised in the air mouthing the words damn right, we want to let you know The MALESTROM is totally with you. There are lots of ways to go about making this happen. Going to live off the land up in the mountains is one way, but for a less extreme start why not try decluttering your life.
Most of us living in these times of plenty are drowning under the weight of our own possessions. And are often held back by the sheer volume of stuff that surrounds us.
Look around your living space at some point today and marvel at how many objects encircle you. And then realise for the majority, you really don’t need them.
There’s some aged wisdom called the law of use. It basically means you can have as much stuff as you want, but you have to use it. And if you don’t you’re breaking the law. And we all know breaking the law is bad right? Right.
Realistically there’s so much we have and never use. The pasta maker we thought was such a good idea at the time when Jamie Oliver told us it was as easy to make as buying a bag of it (nice one for that Jamie), that piece of fitness equipment you read about that you knew you could just not do without, although you do, every single day.
You don’t use it so why not lose it? See the general rule of thumb as if an object in your abode hasn’t been touched by your fair hands in six months do yourself a favour and get rid.
Start filling bin bags for your local charity shop and bask in the warm fuzzy feeling of giving things away. And don’t stop at a bag for the chazza, why not embrace freecycle? That’s a great way to get rid of old furniture and literally lighten the load that weights us down on this journey we call life.
The moment of joy when a single mum on the breadline comes to relieve you of your old fish tank with tears of gratitude in her eyes can rarely be paralleled.
Of course, if you have dollar signs in your eyes you can try and make a few quid Ebaying but if you want our opinion, try and go the slightly higher Karmic route by giving. It’s for the best in the (spiritual) long run.

Consumerism has become a sort of modern religion, in the temples or rather shopping centres we bow down to worship false idols like iphones, we kneel at the altar for the latest pair of trainers. But does it really make us happy? Some of you might say yes, and it may well do, but we argue only temporarily.
Retail therapy tends to be like a quick fix for a drug user, a temporary high that fades away leaving a feeling of emptiness. You always need that other fix and that’s why most homes start to resemble a car boot sale on a joyless Sunday afternoon.
Think about the word possessions for a minute. If someone is thought to be possessed in some way the typical solution for this is to call in an exorcist (is that just in the movies?).
Anyway, you need to think of yourself as that exorcist and rid yourself of many of these evil possessions. And even better there’s no need for Holy water or the power of Christ to compel you. You’ll mainly need bin bags!
We’re not saying everything must go but why not give it a try release yourself from the burden of stuff. Feel that weight ease off your shoulders as the bag full of clothes you will never ever fit again wings it’s way to Barnados. You are so much more than the crap that resides in your home. Don’t let it define you.
There are plenty of things we can declutter out of our lives to improve them. The fast food we consume, the words we use, the people who pain us. But why not start with clearing out some needless things, trust us, you’ll feel the difference.
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