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The Top 4 Things you Should Know About Steroids

The Top 4 Things you Should Know About Steroids

The term steroid is very popular in the bodybuilding sector and is very popular with men who are looking to increase size and build their shape. The problem with steroids is that there are many misconceptions, with people making up stories about their role in bodybuilding without backing these misconceptions with proper facts. The main function of steroids is to enhance cell production, muscle growth, and overall enhancement of the body muscles. Here are four things which you need to know regarding steroids.

1. Categories of Steroids

The first thing that you need to be aware of is that there are two main categories of steroids. There are anabolic steroids which are the common kind of steroids used for bodybuilding and the sporting sector. This is because they have muscle building capacity. The other type of steroids are Corticosteroids; this is the medical kind which are mostly used to treat allergies and other diseases. The medical steroids are not as popular as the anabolic steroids.

2. Types of Steroids

Under the two categories of steroids, there are also many types of steroids. Under the anabolic steroids, there are over 32 types which are listed on the major commercial websites. Under the Corticosteroids, there are no very may types since they are used for medicinal purposes and it may depend on the condition. The types of steroids are used in three basic ways, there are those who use the cycling method where they use for several weeks then take some off. There is also the stacking method; this is where user combines steroids with other supplements as a way of increasing their effectiveness. The last method which is used is pyramiding where one uses the steroids starting from a small dose and increasing gradually and then reducing the dosage.

3. Mode of Administration

There are many different ways to administer steroids to the human body. The modes of administration mostly depend on the form that the steroids come in. Most of the steroids are in solid form and are in tablet form. These kinds of steroids are consumed orally. There are also injectable steroids, these come in liquid form and are injected directly into the body. The good thing about this kind of steroids is that once they are injected they are fast acting as they go straight into the bloodstream. Once the injectable steroid is introduced into the bloodstream it is the spread to the muscle to do what it was intended for like muscle growth.

4. Side Effects

Like any drug or supplement, steroids do have side effect and they depend on the individual, this means that the side effect witnessed by one person may be different to the next person. However there are common with most people are they include; Water retention, heart attack, shrinkage of the testicles, Acne, liver cancer, lung cancer, cardiovascular damage, infertility, baldness and the increased rate of prostate cancer. In regard to behaviors, use of steroids is associated with irritability and aggressive behaviors.

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