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5 Reasons For Hair Thinning and What You Can Do

5 Reasons For Hair Thinning and What You Can Do

barber cutting a man's hair

Hair loss is a common issue amongst many men and women and is caused by many different factors. It’s been proven that men are more likely to suffer from androgenic alopecia, otherwise known as male-pattern baldness.

Hair thinning can also happen to anyone and can certainly affect your mental well-being. It can also massively knock your confidence, especially when it comes to meeting new people. In this article, we’ll be highlighting the top five reasons for hair thinning and what you can do to help prevent it.


Hereditary conditions are the most common cause of hair loss, which usually happens with ageing. Androgenic alopecia typically begins gradually in predictable patterns, from bald patches and receding hairlines in men to thinning hair in women.

It can be hard to come to terms with a health condition that you can’t control and that isn’t your fault. Using hair loss concealer products can give you peace of mind and help give you the appearance of thicker, fuller-looking hair.


Hormonal changes caused by pregnancy, menopause, and thyroid problems can cause permanent or temporary hair loss. In particular, menopause can cause hormonal imbalances, which relates to lower production of estrogen and progesterone. These hormones help hair grow faster whilst ensuring they stay on the head for longer periods.

If you’re looking to help prevent this, try to keep stress levels at bay to fight menopausal symptoms. You should also implement exercise into your daily routine and eat a balanced, low-fat diet.


Medical conditions can also result in hair loss, such as alopecia areata, which is caused by the immune system attacking the hair follicles. This leads to patchy hair loss, scalp infections, and a hair-pulling disorder, known as trichotillomania.

You can take various vitamins and supplements to help with hair loss, including Zinc, Vitamin C, and Iron, along with many others.


The level of stress one may experience is very much dependent on the individual’s lifestyle. People may experience hair thinning or loss after a physical or emotional shock, but hair loss in this circumstance is usually temporary.

You can research tips on how to cope with stressful situations and how to manage your emotions to keep a calm, level head.


Even hairstyles and hair treatments can lead to hair loss. From excessive hairstyling that pulls on your hair follicles to hot-oil hair treatments or bleaching – these can cause damage to your scalp and ultimately lead to hair loss.

This may be temporary, to begin with, but a continuation of this could lead to scarring and potentially permanent hair loss.

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